El camino cast
El camino cast

By the end of El Camino, Jesse is the calm and vicious mastermind that Walt once was that has him metaphorically and literally on fire. It's not an easy road for Pinkman for these elements to fall in place, but what El Camino showcases so well is Jesse's transformation into a skilled chess player, always thinking at least three steps ahead and succeeding in his plans, something he was never able to do during the events of Breaking Badwithout the help of his partner Walt. After this sequence of events, Jesse heads to Ed Galbraith (Robert Forester), the vacuum cleaner salesman who moonlights in making people disappear, in order to ensure his safe passage and fake documents to Alaska. By doing this, Jesse is met with some bad guys and former employee's of the Brotherhood that doesn't exactly go his way. With zero clothes, assets, or money - Badger and Skinny Pete give their hero Jesse just enough to make an escape from law enforcement that has Jesse headed to the late Todd's Alquist's apartment to take his giant money stash in order to start a new life in Alaska. Jesse is a shell of a man at this point, but after a good night's sleep, he takes his first shower in what seems like a year and cleans himself off, ready for the next step towards his freedom. This is where El Camino picks up, only mere seconds after the final shot of Breaking Bad as Jesse (Aaron Paul) drives to Skinny Pete and Badger's house. The last image of Jesse is of him driving off, laughing, and crying about his escape as Walt quietly dies amongst his only friend - the meth lab. The climax in the final episode of Breaking Bad revealed Walt's big plan of killing everyone at the Brotherhood compound while saving Jesse's life from capture and torture. With the finale of Breaking Bad, there were a few questions left unanswered, mostly with the character of Jesse Pinkman played by Aaron Paul, which is where Vince Gilligan comes back to the director's chair with the Breaking Bad sequel film El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie that is as wonderful, brilliant, and suspenseful as any Breaking Bad episode ever was. Breaking Bad spawned a spinoff prequel series that is equally as good or even better with Better Call Saulthat follows the witty, intelligent, and slimy lawyer Saul Goodman who helps Walt and Jesse get their meth empire off the ground. So if something has happened to him, it could be known about by Ed at this point, although we won't learn either way until Better Call Saul returns.Unarguably, Breaking Bad was one of the best television shows to ever grace the airwaves due to its phenomenal storytelling, relentless violence and ability to tell a complex tale, its layered characters, and their respective performances, along with a great soundtrack and unique visual style from show creator Vince Gilligan. While Better Call Saul is ongoing, this is plausible: it's been suggested that the Gene-centric parts of Better Call Saul are actually before Walt's death in Breaking Bad, and thus also before the events of El Camino. Ed makes mention of "the lawyer", clearly meaning Saul, and the way it's phrased - with Saul lumped in with what happened to Walt - is at least a possible hint that he's died, or befallen some other terrible fate. Saul is living a quiet life in Omaha as Gene, a Cinnabon employee, but El Camino does reference him. Unlike Mike, Walt et al, Saul Goodman didn't die at the end of Breaking Bad, but also, as opposed to Walt's family, we also know where he is.

el camino cast el camino cast el camino cast el camino cast

Saul Goodman is among the truly major Breaking Bad characters who don't appear in El Camino, but there's a good reason for that.

El camino cast